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Masjid Al Amin Tiba Tiba Terbakar

Kuching: Masjid Al-Amin di Kampung Semop, di Pulau Bruit, Daro musnah dalam kebakaran, petang tadi.

Jurucakap Pusat Gerakan Operasi (PGO) Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Sarawak berkata, pihaknya menerima panggilan pada jam 5.41 petang.

Beliau berkata, sepasukan tujuh anggota dengan satu jentera dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat (BBP) Daro dikejarkan ke lokasi sejurus menerima panggilan itu.

"Bagaimanapun, bomba terpaksa menempuh perjalanan jauh termasuk menaiki feri kerana lokasi kejadian itu terletak di Pulau Bruit. {Petikan Metro dot com}

"Setibanya di lokasi, komander operasi melaporkan kebakaran sudah memusnahkan keseluruhan masjid berstruktur separuh kekal itu," katanya.

Menurutnya lagi, kebakaran itu dipadam oleh penduduk kampung dengan bantuan lori tangki air dari Jabatan Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (JBALB) Daro.

"Tiada kecederaan dilaporkan dalam kejadian itu dan siasatan lanjut sedang dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti punca kejadian," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Semop, Abdullah Saidol berkata, beliau menerima maklumat berhubung kejadian itu kira-kira jam 6.30 petang tadi.

"Saya belum menerima maklumat lengkap berhubung punca kejadian itu dan akan ke sana (Pulau Bruit) esok," katanya ketika dihubungi, malam ini.


Leo Zagami ialah mantan anggota the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico – Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo. Beliau juga adalah anggota Freemasonry tingkat 33, dan sebagai salah seorang pimpinan dalam kelompok Lodge P2 (Propaganda 2) Freemasonry.

Dia juga adalah seorang ‘pemimpin’ yang dipersiapkan untuk mengambil alih kepimpinan Illuminati daripada ‘raja’ Licio Gelli yang kini sudah tua.

Rahsia Dunia Illuminiti

Menurut Zagami, Illuminati merancang melakukan “Penazian” negara-negara Barat pada tahun 2012 (mungkin juga 2013) dan akan menghukum semua orang beriman, dengan alasan bahawa mereka berperang melawan pengganas serta akan menghancurkan perekonomian dunia.

Zagami yang berasal daripada keturunan keluarga Illuminati, pada bulan Jun tahun 2008 telah menukar agama asalnya kepada Islam sebagai agama baru. Kemudian beliau nekad untuk melakukan counter attack terhadap Illuminati.

Sewaktu beliau masih berkhidmat sebagai anggota keluarga Illuminati, beliau mempunyai banyak pengalaman mengikuti pelbagai ritual yang menakutkan, upacara black magic (sihir jahat), pengendalian fikiran (mind control) dan penyeksaan yang dilakukan di dalam lingkungan lodge tertutup.

Sekarang, pada setiap hari Sabtu, beliau menyimpan senarai nama-nama anggota Freemasonry peringkat tinggi dan dipanggil sebagai Illuminati Confessions. Beliau menyatakan persediaan berperang melawan para pengikut setan Illuminati.

Di samping melakukan kawalan ketat, beliau juga memberikan nombor telefon peribadi untuk menjawab pelbagai pertanyaan penting mengenai ketulusannya melakukan hal tersebut. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa sekarang adalah akhir zaman, dan ini bukanlah main-main, tegasnya.

Perkara tersebut disampaikannya pada 3 Januari 2007 dalam sebuah wawancara;

“Perlu diingat bahawa akan terjadi perubahan posisi kosmik pada tanggal 21 Desember 2012, dimana situasi itu memerlukan waktu 6 tahun kepada kita untuk mempersiapkan diri. Jadi, sebaiknya waktu itu dipersiapkan diri kita masing masing, kemudian semuanya bangkit menentang Illuminati dan mempertahankan hak kita di bawah perlindungan dari Allah s.w.t sebelum Illuminati mengambil mengambil alih dan memulakan penganiayaan terhadap orang-orang beriman".

"Siapkan senjata kamu untuk mempertahankan keyakinan atau kita juga akan hancur binasa. Ini perang melawan syaitan.Jadi, wahai penduduk bumi belahan Barat, (termasuk di Timur juga) sedarlah, atau kamu akan bangun dari mimpi buruk di pagi hari bulan Disember 2012".

“Mulai tahun 2010, anda akan mula merasai perubahan suasana secara besar-besaran, akan tetapi pada tahun 2012, anda akan melihat dengan jelas berakhirnya peradaban ini dengan mata kepala kita sendiri, akan terjadinya ‘penazian‘ negara-negara Barat pada tahun 2010".

"Sebelum itu, ekonomi akan mula jatuh ke tahap yang teruk yang kesannya (sudah berlaku-Greece, Sepanyol, Itali mengalami kejatuhan ekonomi yang sangat teruk) akan dirasakan setiap orang. Kemudian ketegangan sosial akan memuncak ketahap yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, dan pada akhirnya menjadi konflik dalaman pada tahun 2012, iaitu perang saudara.”

“Apakah anda bersedia mati untuk Allah SWT dan dengan keyakinan agama Islam untuk melakukan perubahan positif untuk dunia, atau adakah anda semua hanyalah sekumpulan pengecut yang berada di bawah kekuasaan syaitan (al-Wahn), atau hanya tahu cakap saja dengan tidak ada bukti nyata”


Zagami menjelaskan bahawa dunia merupakan pertunjukan boneka global yang dikendalikan oleh tangan-tangan manusia bodoh, yang tidak pernah berubah cara hidupnya selama berabad-abad di bawah naungan ajaran Lucifer (golongan Freemason, Illuminati dll).

Jelas Zagami, golongan tersebut bekerja bersama-sama, dan ini termasuk Hugo Chavez (mendiang,bekas Presiden Vanuzuela) yang dengan bersungguh-sungguh membantu melaksanakan agenda kepimpinan Amerika Syarikat dengan penampilan ‘theatrical‘ nya.

Hugo Chavez dikendalikan oleh Vatican yang sekarang ini telah dipengaruhi oleh Jesuit dan bekerja untuk The New World Order sebagaimana juga dilakukan oleh hampir semua pimpinan pemimpin kerajaan dan agama lain di dunia.

“Begitulah cara mereka bekerja bersama-sama diperingkat atas hanya untuk satu tujuan yang mereka fikir merupakan suatu cover-up yang sempurna. Wahabi atau Wahibi [the Saudis] telah diciptakan oleh Zionis dan British secara zahirnya dan oleh Freemason batinnya. Tentu saja Ikhwanul Muslimin (Persaudaraan Islam) juga yang berada dibelakang kepimpinan Iran dan Iraq. Semuanya hanyalah satu sandiwara untuk mengelirukan orang-orang awam.

“Pertunjukkan yang dicanang oleh pertubuhan rahsia” dan Ahmadinejad dikenali sebagai pengikut aliran syaitan yang tidak jelas hubungannya dengan Islam”.

Beliau juga mengatakan bahawa konflik Putin dengan Rothschild hanyalah sebuah “permainan”. Putin juga pada hakikatnya dikendalikan oleh Illuminati. Ini terbukti apabila Karl Mark yakni pengasas ideologi komunis sebenarnya adalah salah seorang ahli Freemason.

Zagami juga mencabar bekas rakan-rakannya yang merupakan anggota Freemason/Illuminati dan pengamal sihir hitam, untuk berdialog secara terbuka.

Bagi menguasai rakyat disegenap pelusuk, para Aristokrat Eropah dalam melaksanakan pemerintahannya, selalunya akan dibantu dengan sorcery dan sihir hitam. Mereka mempelajari ilmu sihir sembahan syaitan ini daripada para guru di Rome yang diambil ilmunya pula dari Yunani, Mesir, dan Sumeria. Mereka tidak pernah berhenti melakukan penipuan berterusan terhadap umat manusia.

Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa George W. Bush adalah anak ‘orang paling berkuasa’ dalam Illuminati dan dia telah dididik oleh ayahnya serta CIA untuk menjadi seorang boneka. Antichrist Vatican dan Zionist, tidaklah menjadi masalah bagi Illuminati sama ada mereka menjadi presiden atau tidak, kerana keluarga Bush akan selalu tampil berperanan sebagai pemimpin keadaan.

Ingat, tokoh setan Anton LaVey, pengasas Gereja Setan dan pengendali perang pemikiran (perang saraf) CIA adalah teman rapat George H. Bush. Mereka bersama-sama menyusun rencana untuk menjadikan anak George H Bush iaitu George W. Bush sebagai pengikut syaitan, untuk melakukan peranan penting apabila datangnya ‘era Dajjal’ selepasn trajedi 11 September 2001. Tragedi tersebut dirancang rapi sejak lama dulu, sewaktu Anton LaVey masih hidup lagi.

“Ketika ini hampir semua ajaran agama dirosak dari dalam oleh Illuminati, termasuk Islam (melalui mazhab Wahabi yang berjaya jatuhkan Turki Uthmaniyah klik di sini), Yahudi, Evangelis, Protestan, the Born-Again Kristian, semuanya di kuasai secara rahsia oleh Freemasonry, Knight Templar, dan Jesuit. Jadi dialog antara agama secara murni juga sangat mustahil untuk dilakukan.”

Leo Zagami menganggap dirinya sebagai “the last idealist in the Illuminati.” Beliau juga mengakui bahawa beliau memimpin satu pemberontakkan umat manusia terhadap Illuminati dan telah memperolehi sokongan padu daripada rakan-rakannya yang lain yang turut sedar akan bahayanya Illuminati, Freemason, Skull and Bones, Jesuit, Bohemian dll.

Adalah penuh harapan dalam situasi seperti sekarang ini munculnya seorang yang berani dan seperti Leo Zagami. Ingatlah, Illuminati selalu merancang huru-hara dan kemudian mereka juga menjadi penyelamat keadaan.

Umpama mereka menghantar satu virus seperti H1N1, dan mereka juga akan berperanan sebagai negara pembekal vaksin. Contoh lain, adalah seperti Hitler yang telah berjaya menjebakkan rakyat Jerman ke dalam perangkap Illuminati. Beliau jugalah yang menjadi hero sebahagian rakyat Jerman.

Illuminati adalah seperti kumpulan-kumpulan besar. Tiada masalah jika keluarga Chicago, London atau New York yang melakukan tugas. Mereka merupakan lingkaran keluarga yang hidupnya diabadikan untuk kepentingan tujuan yang sama, iaitu menguasai dunia dengan sistem Luciferian.

Global Murder

The global organization has place Israel, and Asian country and its allies in their operation against Asian country on the globe body’s blacklist of kid killers.

According to a report by global organization Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in 2018, Israel killed fifty nine Palestinian kids and another a pair of,756 were livid last year. Meanwhile, the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Asian country killed or livid 729 kids, nearly the full kid casualties of the year.

The world organisation chief’s report, that was conferred to the protection Council on Friday, states that Palestinian casualties caused by the Israeli regime hit a four-year high in 2018.

Guterres urged “Israel to right away place in situ preventive and protecting measures to finish the excessive use of force”. “I condemn the increasing variety of kid casualties, that are typically a results of attacks in densely inhabited areas and against civilian objects, as well as colleges and hospitals,” Guterres same within the report, made by world organisation kids and Armed Conflict envoy Virginia Gamba and issued in Guterres’ name.

The report, that doesn't subject those listed to action however rather shames parties to conflicts within the hope of pushing them to implement measures to guard kids, has long been polemical with diplomats locution Asian country and Israel each exerted pressure in recent years in an exceedingly bid to remain off the list.

India Hindu Play With Fire In Kashmir

The genuine issue in the state isn't Pakistan or employments. It's an absence of organization for nearby occupants.

India's stun choice this week to deny the independence of its fretful province of Jammu and Kashmir is a significant test for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Without a change obviously, he's probably going to fall flat. 
Kashmir is seemingly the most exceedingly awful heritage of the fratricidal parcel of British India in 1947. One of in excess of 500 regal states in the subcontinent at the time, its Hindu ruler join up with India after ancestral warriors from Pakistan endeavored his oust. The two countries have since battled three wars over the overwhelmingly Muslim domain. India controls the heft of the state; Pakistan directs about a third and China guarantees a segment of its Himalayan level.
The Protester in Delhi  against the ending of Kashmir's

How India treats its segment of Kashmir matters for two reasons. One is that the state is the essential flashpoint for the world's most perilous atomic competition; psychological oppressor assaults there have more than once carried India and Pakistan to the verge of threats. It's additionally the solitary Muslim-larger part state inside Hindu-lion's share India, and in this manner a fundamental trial of the nation's assorted variety and resilience.

Given these sensitivities, Modi's administration might've moved toward the issue with prudence. An incredible inverse. With no notice, it disavowed Article 370 of the Constitution of India, which conceded Kashmir a level of self-governance, while separating the state into two "association regions" to a great extent controlled from New Delhi. Experts set several nearby pioneers under house capture, dispatched a great many troops to the as of now vigorously mobilized state, cleared visitors, forced a check in time, and cut off interchanges joins. The parliamentary moves the administration used to slam through its choice were so questionable they've officially arrived under the watchful eye of the Supreme Court.
India PM - Modi Play With Fire Againt Pakistan

This barely required doing: Most of the extraordinary benefits stood to the state on paper had for some time been shaved away by and by. Nor is anybody testing the one of a kind rights delighted in by some different states in India. The reasonable ramifications is that Modi's Hindu patriot Bharatiya Janata Party was resolved to dispensing with as opposed to praising a Muslim-lion's share state.

Changing Kashmir's status will do nothing to ease strains with Pakistan. Despite what might be expected, it will further enable the Pakistani military, long the principle detour to tranquility on the subcontinent. India frantically needs a genuine methodology to connect with Pakistan, industrially just as strategically. Rather Modi's administration appears to be persuaded it can keep on overlooking, seclude and hinder its opponent. One outcome is that exchange between the two nations has now separated completely.

Maybe most rankling, however, is that Modi fail to expedite board those Indians with the best stake in his choice: Kashmiris. BJP authorities demand that closer reconciliation will improve the lives of Kashmiris by opening the conduits to employments and speculation, however this is sketchy. (Private interest in India hit a 14-year low not long ago, while joblessness remains at a 45-year high.) For any situation, an unexpected inundation of outside organizations would fuel neurosis and disdain among local people, as it has any place else such approaches have been attempted.

The issue India at last needs to address in Kashmir isn't an absence of employments, or even Pakistan-supported fear based oppression. It's the absence of office felt by such a large number of Kashmiris, exacerbated by a stifling security nearness they see as an occupation. Coercively forcing the focal government's will over the state will just heighten those complaints.

Vote based systems as enormous and heterogeneous as India can't escape inward strains. Be that as it may, the best approach to diminish such weight is to decentralize power and give natives a more prominent stake in their administration, just as more command over nearby assets.

Israel Terorist State

The Commission discovered sensible grounds to accept that during these week by week showings, the Israeli Security Forces (ISF) slaughtered and gravely harmed regular folks who were neither taking an interest straightforwardly in threats nor representing a fast approaching risk to life. Among those shot were kids, paramedics, writers, and people with handicaps. 183 individuals were shot dead, another 6,106 were injured with live ammo.

The showings were sorted out by a 'Higher National Committee,' whose individuals originated from all areas of Palestinian culture, including common society, social and social associations, understudies associations, ladies' gatherings, prominent people, individuals from groups and agents of a few ideological groups.
Photo By: keywordbasket.com

While the showings were non military personnel in nature, bringing them under a law authorization legitimate worldview, they were now and again vicious, including tossing stones, slicing through the partition fence, and propelling combustible kites and inflatables.

The Commission found, in any case, that the utilization of deadly power accordingly was once in a while fundamental or proportionate. For deadly power to be reasonable, the unfortunate casualty must represent an up and coming danger to life or appendage. The ISF abused universal human rights law in many examples the Commission researched.

ISF lead additionally damaged universal helpful law, which licenses regular citizens to be focused on just when they 'legitimately take an interest in threats.' This deliberately high edge was not met by demonstrators' direct, in the perspective on the Commission, with one conceivable exemption on 14 May.

The Commission found that twenty-nine individuals executed during exhibitions were individuals from composed equipped gatherings, with another 18 of unsure status. The Commission took the view, be that as it may, that is unlawful to shoot unarmed demonstrators dependent on their enrollment in an outfitted gathering, and not on their lead at the time. It is similarly unlawful to target them dependent on political connection.

1,576 individuals were injured by slug or bone shrapnel that came about because of ricochets, projectile fracture and shots experiencing one body into another - plainly delineating the threat of discharging high-speed live ammo into a horde of demonstrators.

The Commission found that the substance and the use of the Israeli powers' principles of commitment added to the unlawful methodology. The standards allowed status-based focusing of the legs of people regarded to be 'key inciters/key agitators', characterized by direct, for example, consuming tires, cutting or breaking the fence, admonishing/driving the group. Under these guidelines, 4,903 people were shot in the lower appendages – numerous while standing several meters from the expert marksmen, unarmed.

Except if embraced legitimately in self-protection, purposefully executing a non military personnel not straightforwardly taking part in threats is an atrocity. Genuine human rights infringement were carried out which may add up to wrongdoings against mankind.

The Commission discovered Hamas, as Gaza's true expert, in charge of neglecting to stop aimless flammable and hazardous kites and inflatables, which spread dread and caused noteworthy material demolition inside Israel.

The Commission additionally discovered that the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza true experts bear obligation regarding neglecting to maintain the privilege to serene get together regarding exhibitions policed by their individual security powers in June 2018.

Get Out From Al- Aqsa Mosque - Saudi Arabia You Are Not Allowed Here

Palestinians drive Saudi man out of Al-Aqsa Mosque compound Mohammed Saud was a piece of an Arab appointment facilitated by the Israeli outside service, the primary visit of its sort.  

A Saudi man visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in involved East Jerusalem as a major aspect of an Israeli-supported excursion has been driven out of the site by Palestinians.

Get Out From Al- Aqsa Mosque

Middle Easterner standardization with Israel is to a great extent viewed as forbidden, as it includes the acknowledgment of the Israeli state and occupation to the detriment of Palestinians..

Wearing his conventional Gulf Arab apparel, Mohammed Saud was recorded on Monday being driven out of the Old City of Jerusalem as Palestinians tossed plastic seats and disparaged him, blaming him for being a backstabber and a Zionist.

Online networking clients flowed the recordings utilizing the Arabic hashtag "Saudi kicked out of Jerusalem". Mohammed Saud, whose Twitter page says he is a law understudy, was in the city as a feature of a six-part Arab assignment of writers formally facilitated by the Israeli remote service in the primary visit of its sort.

The outside service's Twitter page in Arabic said that the designation, which notwithstanding Saud included columnists from the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan, "will visit the Holocaust Museum, the Knesset and blessed locales in Jerusalem".

"The designation will hold gatherings with Knesset individuals and negotiators just as set out on a voyage through the nation," the service included.

Egypt and Jordan are the main Arab states to have conciliatory relations with Israel. In an announcement on Monday, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate unequivocally censured the visit, underlining that "the Arab columnists' league rejects numerous types and sorts of standardization with the Zionist adversary".

The Iraqi press syndicate likewise reviled the visit, saying it would take measures against any individuals visiting Israel. 

Mohammed Saud "I Love Israel"
The remote service said that in a meeting with Israeli armed force radio Galatz, Saud expressed that the "Israeli individuals are like mine, they resemble my family".

"I adore Israel," Saud was cited as saying, "and it was forever my fantasy to visit Jerusalem".

In his Twitter bio, Saud expressed "Just Bibi" in Hebrew, alluding to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His posts generally comprise of retweeting Netanyahu and the head administrator's child, Yair.

Emmanuel Nahshon, the Israeli outside service representative, said on Twitter on Sunday that the nearness of the Arab designation is an indication of structure "spans for harmony".

The visit pursues a warming of ties from a few Gulf Arab states towards Israel.

A week ago, the remote clergymen of both Israel and Bahrain held an open gathering in the US, denoting the main such occasion to transparently occur between a Gulf nation and Israel.


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